Oct 2023 – Wire Rope News & Sling Technology Magazine
COVER PHOTO: Dramatic view of the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City framed by its prominent web of wire rope suspension cables. This photo, taken on a beautiful day in July 2023 – only two months after the calendar marked it’s opening 140 years ago on May 24, 1883 – celebrates how this majestic marvel of steel and granite still stands to represent the best of engineering accomplishments. Photo © Wirestock, iStockPhoto
The Oct 2023 issue of Wire Rope News magazine should have arrived! If you’re not receiving it in the mail, subscribe!

Featured Articles:
Our Beloved Brooklyn Bridge, Still Going Strong at 140
Article by Peter Hildebrant.
The world renown iconic suspension bridge that spans New York’s East River celebrates another landmark birth year.
Since we started publishing Wire Rope News in October of 1979 our readers have made it abundantly clear that we had a fond appreciation, some might even say an obsession, with the grandeur and majesty of the suspension bridge – especially the one in Brooklyn that spans the East River in New York City. We’ve tried to curb that enthusiasm, but now is not the time. Celebrating its 140th year is a righteous reason to once again pay homage to this one-of-a-kind marvel that inspired the saying “If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.*” – Ed (read the full article in the magazine)
How Do Tower Cranes Stand Up? Good Question
Article by Dennis J. O’Rourke, CSP, Historiographer, OSHA Part 1919 Maritime Surveyor
As the saying goes: “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” But trying to prevent this old adage from becoming reality is an every day challenge on the modern day work site.
I recall the testimony of a secretary (Ida) surviving an accident in Miami, FL when a 20-foot tower section fell on the office building where she worked. Three others did not survive! She stated, “Every day when I walked to work, I wondered how the damm thing stood up in the first place.” So many street-level people have tower cranes over their heads these days – scary, as objects are known to drop and they seem to topple all by themselves. At the time, I thought that if she was aware of their basic historical design not being the problem, but rather, human error. As the comic character Pogo said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” (read the full article in the magazine)
Artificial Intelligence and the Bottom Line
“Making Chatbots Pay Off” article by Phillip M. Perry
A future with chatbots is both our fascination and our fear, but it is also our fate. Controlling this amazing new and ever-changing technology is the key to success.
Artificial intelligence is infiltrating manufacturing operations. ChatGPT and similar programs can improve the efficiency of everything from customer service to long range business planning. Impressive as they are, AI-generated materials must be checked for accuracy and for conformance with company values. (read the full article in the magazine)
- News in Our Industry
- Denny’s Crane & Rigging Notes – What’s Next for Tower Cranes?
- Inventor’s Corner:
- Elevator system
- Rope connector, rope assembly, and railing
- Device and method for reinforcing round section wood beam by a combination of prestressed FRP sheet and high strength steel wire rope
- Gear motors with cable-actuated position
- Wire attachment
- Nondestructive testing method and device for detecting and distinguishing internal defect and external defect of wire rope
- Products in the News
- People in the News
- Puzzle Page: Word Search and Crossword Puzzle
- Classified Ads
Articles and news from past issues are posted on our blog, Facebook, and LinkedIn.