February 2023 – Wire Rope News & Sling Technology Magazine
COVER PHOTO: A luffing jig attachment to a lattice boom places a wind turbine nacelle, the enclosure over the generation equipment, on top of its support column. The increase in generating output from 1.2 MW to 14.5 MW means larger turbines and cranes with greater capacities, increasing the challenges.Photograph © kruwt | iStockphoto

The February 2023 issue of Wire Rope News magazine should have arrived! If you’re not receiving it in the mail, subscribe!
Featured Articles:
Good Enough
Article by Dennis J. O’Rourke.
A crane must be in good shape to hoist a load. However, challenges arise as crane materials, technology, and accessories advance. The owner is responsible for allowing its use. The reasons for approving a lift are discussed in this paper
The moment a device is placed in use, it starts to wear out. Since the Federal Safety regulations in 1971, an entire industry has developed around lifting equipment to ensure that the device is not too worn out to be safely worked. Persons of many different job descriptions have been given the authority to say—it’s good enough—for this lift, to use all day, okay this month, or till next year. This paper will examine the thinking behind and the decisions such as go ahead, use it! What exactly were those conclusions based on—sound judgment or a gut feeling?
Old School Portal Cranes: A Dying Breed
Article by Victor Diez.
Federal standards are changing, but are the older cranes capable of measuring up? The author taps into his long years of experience to give us the story
The current federal portal crane standard is ASME B30.4-2020, an early designation, and was originally USAS B30.2-1943 during WWII, a U.S. Navy-sponsored safety publication of long-standing. Due to their publishing sponsorship, the B30 Crane and Gear material handling publications have progressed and were updated over the last eighty years from USAS to ANSI and now ASME. However, in all these years, there has been little change to B30.4—because there has been little change to the equipment
Diesel Settles Down
Article by Phillip M. Perry.
A look at the ups and downs of diesel fuel prices and how it might affect our industry.
For diesel buyers, price relief can’t come soon enough. Essential to truck fleet operations and a costly drain on business profitability, the distillate fuel oil was selling for a historic high of $5.75 a gallon this past summer, more than double the $2.40 level of two years earlier.
- News in Our Industry
- Denny’s Crane & Rigging Notes: Synthetic Sling Safety
- Inventor’s Corner:
- Crane
- Portable winch
- Elevator rope maintenance method
- Method and device for detecting non- uniform and uniform deteriorations in a suspension member arrangement for an elevator based on AC voltage measurements
- Vertical lifting device and method
- Vertical lift system
- Products in the News
- People in the News
- Puzzle Page: Word Search and Crossword Puzzle
- Classified Ads
Articles and news from past issues are posted on our blog, Facebook, and LinkedIn.