Ashley Sling’s Open Training 2024
Enrollment is open for Ashley Sling’s 2024 Open Training Sessions. Two sessions remain for the year, taking place on June 13-14 and October 3-4 at our Austell, Georgia location.
While we offer larger training courses for businesses, Open Training Sessions are available for a smaller group of individuals to become a Qualified Rigger and Signal Person. The 2-day session covers topics ranging from the Basic Rigging Principles, Inspection & Tagging Requirements, OSHA Requirements, Fall Protection, and other essential rigging topics. Attendees who pass the rigging exam will receive a Certificate of Training and a carrying card to help establish that they are qualified.
With OSHA’s requirement of qualified riggers to perform hoisting activities and disassembly work on the jobsite, Open Training Session is the most productive way to meet the requirement and ensure the safety of your crew and rigging. Ashley Sling aims to be a reliable resource of rigging knowledge, and our industry-leading training is one way we hope to assist our customers with their risk management needs.
Riggers may inquire about availability through our website or calling our Austell location at (404) 691-2604.
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